Can i get pregnant on my period
Can i get pregnant on my period? If a woman engages in sexual activity during her period, she will not get pregnant because ovulation does not occur during menstruation.···
How to get pregnant fast
How to get pregnant fast? You can get pregnant quickly by performing a preconception test, scheduling intercourse during ovulation and adopting the right sexual position and quality sperm···
Can you take tylenol while pregnant
Can you take tylenol while pregnant?Pregnant women should not usually take Tylenol. Tylenol is a phenmetrazine tablet, and pregnant women are generally not allowed to take phenmetrazine tablets during pregnancy···
Is smoking while pregnant okay
Is smoking while pregnant okay?Pregnant women should not smoke during pregnancy because cigarettes contain high levels of nicotine and other toxic substances that are harmful to both the mother and the fetus···
How many weeks pregnant am i
How many weeks pregnant am i?The week of pregnancy can usually be calculated by the last menstrual period, ultrasound, ovulation, time of pregnancy sickness, and time of fetal movement···
How long does it take to get pregnant
How long does it take to get pregnant? Typically, a pregnancy takes 40 weeks from the fertilization of the fertilized egg to the development of the embryo and birth of the fetus, a process that usually takes 280 days.···
Can you have sex while pregnant
Can you have sex while pregnant?Generally speaking, sex is prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy, a time when sex may cause bleeding and miscarriage to occur···